The first of six Youth Health & Wellness Clinics will open in Grande Prairie on Monday. The clinic will help reduce the barriers patients face, keeping them from getting medical help.
Patients will be able to get access to several different services including STI testing, birth control and pregnancy tests. There will be a mobile dental clinic on site, and Public Health will be able to catch patients up on any vaccines they have missed over the years.
There are also numerous mental health services at the clinic including counselling options, including Alberta Health and Services Addictions Councilors. From 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. there will be pet therapy available to patients and because the clinic is happening at the Mountain Plains Service Hub, there is a Snoezelen room on site for those who would like to try sensory room therapy.
The clinic is a collaboration of several different medical organizations from the area. Alberta Mental Health and Addictions Counselors, Northreach, To the Root Dental, and Center for Young Parents.
The clinic is open for those ages 12 to 24 years old, it will take place from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, with the other five clinics set to open on Feb 10th, March 17th, April 28th, May 19th, and June 9th.