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Spirit River Regional Academy student accepted into U of A summer research program

A Grande 11 student from Spirit River Regional Academy will have quite an academic summer ahead, as Diane Fulton has been accepted into the University of Alberta’s Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science, and Technology summer research program.

Fulton says she applied to the program after taking part in a conference in Edmonton, and leaned on her Social Sciences teacher to prep for the interview. She says once the interview was complete, and she learned that she got into the program, it was all hands on deck to change any summer plans.

“When I found out I had an interview for the program I was freaking out, because it was the first time I had to do a professional interview,” Fulton says. “It allowed me to really focus on the possibilities of the future and gave me the confidence boost of being accepted into this high academic program.”

Fulton will spend the summer focusing on paleontology, with the Program Instructor the namesake of the Wembley dinosaur museum, Philip J. Currie.

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WISEST, according to officials, focuses on creating effective programs to empower women, and other underrepresented groups, to pursue, impact, and succeed in the fields of science, engineering, and technology.

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