Less than two years into what was supposed to be a five-year appointment, Justin Kohlman is no longer the President and CEO of Northwestern Polytechnic. A release issued late Wednesday night announced Dr. Vanessa Sheane has been appointed acting President and CEO as of July 26th “to oversee a renewed approach to collaboration with community and government stakeholders.”

Kohlman was appointed the 10th President and CEO in August 2021, following the announcement that Grande Prairie Regional College would be given polytechnic status that spring. At that time, the facility said he would spend the next five years overseeing the transition, taking over from then acting President and CEO Dr. Glenn Feltham.
Feltham was brought in after the school’s 9th President and CEO Dr. Robert Murray stepped down in March 2021, citing personal reasons. He was just 15 months into the job, having replaced Don Gnatiuk in December 2019. Gnatiuk had served in the role since 2007.
NWP says Dr. Sheane’s appointment comes at an important time for the institution, as it is implementing the recommendations of its Campus Master Plan for both Fairview and Grande Prairie. She most recently served as Provost and Vice-President Academic of NWP, and has worked at the facility since 2012. She holds a Ph.D. in Nursing and is clinically trained as a Registered Nurse.
“As a long-time resident of the region, I am committed to ensuring NWP does its utmost to attract and serve our students and communities,” says Dr. Sheane. “I will continue our long tradition of collaborating with NWP stakeholders to ensure their essential contributions are reflected in our programs and growth plans.”
No word has been given as to the reason for Kohlman’s departure.