The City of Grande Prairie has announced parking bans on permanent snow routes beginning on January 10th.
The bans restrict parking on permanent snow routes from Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
The city says the bans are necessary to ensure safe access to roadways for snow removal vehicles and crews during operations.
“By enacting parking bans on designated snow routes, we aim to streamline snow clearing efforts and ensure safe passage on roads for every driver,” the city says.
Residents parking on Priority 1 and 2 roads are asked to relocate their vehicles in two scenarios- if there is a windrow (snow at the bottom of a driveway) down the center or a parking ban has been declared (Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.)
Crews have already begun plowing and sanding the priority road network due to snowfall on January 9th.
The City adds that a notice will be issued on the city’s website and social media to inform residents once the parking ban is lifted.