Oliver’s Funeral Home held its annual Flag Day flag memorial service for retired flags at the end of their lifespan.
Numerous armed forces members and veterans were in attendance at the burial, alongside members of Grande Prairie’s cadet corps to show respect and lay the flags to rest in a respectful manner.
Lieutenant Earl Phillips, a zone training officer for the cadets says he takes pride in the flag, and memorial services like this serve as a reminder of just how important the Canadian flag is to the country.
“I’ve served for over 40 years in the Canadian Armed Forces and it’s always been a privilege to share the Canadian flag and it’s something I’m very proud of,” he says. “The history of it all and remembrance and the fact that so many have died under our flag and served our country well.”
Phillips adds that the cadets play a critical role in remembrance services in November and on Flag Day. He says making sure Canadian youth are involved is important, as it helps them understand the significance of the flag.
“Canada doesn’t spend enough time recognizing the flag and the significance it has both for veterans and for current members serving,” he says. “It’s good for especially our youth to be a part of this and to recognize the importance of the Canadian flag and what it stands for.”
The service concluded shortly after the burial, and a series of discussions from keynote speakers continued at Oliver’s Funeral Home after the event.