The wildfires that make up the Jasper Wildfire Complex make up the largest wildfire in the area in over 100 years according to Parks Canada’s latest update.
According to Parks Canada, this morning all remaining fires in the town are expected to be put out today as firefighters continue the fire suppression work. Damage to infrastructure has also begun and parts of Jasper’s downtown core and critical infrastructure will have power restored today.
According to the Parks Canada update, reports of people violating the closure of Jasper National Park along the Icefields Parkway have also increased. Officials say even though there is no wildfire risk in these areas at this time it is “critical that visitors do not enter the park at this time.”
On Monday the provincial government will be hosting a Telephone Online town hall for those across the province who have been evacuated, during this town hall there will be updates given on the wildfire situation and evacuees can have their questions answered. Additionally, teams are working on a plan to help evacuees looking to travel through the park from the Valemount area to Hinton to reunite with friends and family. That information will be released when it is available.
Crews were able to do an aerial survey yesterday and reduced the complex’s size to 32,000 hectares. The wildfires in the complex are still classified as out of control and crews are working to create a containment line on the perimeter closest to the town and are putting out spot fires in priority areas.
“Bucketing will be taking place near Marmot Basin today,” the update reads. “We do not have a current assessment of the impact to Marmot Basin Infrastructure.”
Fire activity has been low according to the update but slightly warmer and drier weather along with some areas not receiving rain has officials anticipating an increase in fire behaviour in the coming days.
With the current situation all front and backcountry camping reservations in the park have been cancelled up until August 6th and the date will be reassessed once crews complete assessments of the Jasper townsite and outlying infrastructure. The status of Parks Canada campgrounds as of this morning is still unknown.