As wildfires continue to impact communities and forest areas across Alberta, the provincial government is encouraging residents to consider joining the Alberta Wildfire Reservist Program.
According to the province, the reservist program hires emergency firefighters if needed or other support staff in a variety of positions, including non-fire line roles such as stevedores, data entry, camp supervisors, and others.
Contractors are also a critical part of Alberta Wildfire’s response, and those with heavy equipment such as bulldozers, excavators, water trucks, and carriers are encouraged to complete a contract offer process which ensures the province has access to additional heavy equipment if needed.
Getting started is a two-step process, first, candidates are encouraged to watch the Wildfire Deployment Orientation video, before contacting their local forestry office or signing up online.
Successful candidates interested in front-line work must complete specific online or in-person training before passing a physical fitness test.