With it being the Hallow-week of Halloween, RCMP officials are sharing some tips on how to stay safe as you enjoy all things that go bump in the night.
On Thursday it is expected there will be plenty of witches, ghosts, superheroes, princesses and many more creative costumes out in full force. According to RCMP officials, to minimize hazards trick-or-treaters are being urged to stay on one side of the street and only cross when it is safe to do so instead of running back and forth across the road. Police are reminding kids to stay on the doorstep or sidewalk; never to go into someone you don’t know house or vehicle and ensure kids travel in groups if they are not being supervised by an adult.
Visibility is also important to keep in mind on the spooky night, so making sure kids are wearing bright-coloured costumes and wearing reflective tape or glow sticks is the top piece of advice from mounties, along with making sure they have a flashlight to keep the area they are in well-lit. It is also encouraged any facial parts of the costume be done with make-up instead of a mask because a mask can impair the trick-or-treator’s vision and hearing. However, if a mask is needed, it is encouraged it be removed while walking between houses or crossing the street.
Anyone handing out candy on the 31st is encouraged to help with safety precautions by keeping their porch lights or outdoor lights on and ensuring the doors are clear and accessible with no decorations causing a hazard. Only pass out already-wrapped candy and snacks, do not wrap your own, and keep pets inside as the kids in costumes could scare them.