The Tsintah Siberian Husky Rescue and Pet Food Bank welcomed the new year in a big way thanks to a significant donation from the Grande Prairie Animal Hospital.
Rescue Fundraising Coordinator Jillian Manley says the animal hospital reached out to set up a donation bin ahead of the holidays to support the rescue and the food bank through the Christmas season.
“They just wanted to give back to us in regards to the infant puppies that we had taken to have them not euthanized,” she says. “We received so many donations from that, and we were just tickled pink.”
Manley says the idea was more than welcome at the rescue, especially after their large intake of puppies that were supposed to be euthanized, but also in large part due to the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, which leads to the food bank seeing between 50 and 100 pet parents per month using the service.
“It comes from a place of need, they did ask us what the items we needed were, we needed medium to small, sometimes large collars, we needed bowls for the winter, we needed large to medium-sized cones and surgical suits,” she says. “We also needed food for our foodbank with Christmas happening more people were coming in and needing.”
“We needed all kinds of items for our foodbank, from hamsters to birds, to cats, to dogs.”
Manley took a moment to thank the community for their generosity saying- “Thank you for your ongoing, continued support, we have been blown away.” She adds that the feeling of holiday blessings is in the air at the rescue going into the new year.