A busy emergency room and longer wait times at the QE II hospital but there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Senior Operating Officer Joan Libsekal says this time of year is typically busy with people coming to the hospital with broken bones from falling on ice to increase in people getting sick. She adds that a busy emergency room creates a backlog of patients waiting for beds but there are problems elsewhere as well.
“One of our big challenges right now is our inadequate capacity for our continuing care patients. We have approval to do renovations in McKenzie place and open an additional 70 beds.”
She explains that the Capital Management team has projected September for the beds to be ready. She adds that right now they are working on strategies to get people through the emergency rooms and into beds such as opening additional beds that are not funded and providing staff for the emergency overflow area.
“Some other things that we have done. In our ambulatory care area, that area closes at 4:15 pm Monday to Friday, on the evening and night shift we have used that area to house and accommodate some of those inpatients while they are waiting for beds.”
She says this type of situation reiterates the need for more space and they look forward to getting into the new Regional hospital.