If a request for proposal is approved at the next city council meeting, the Wee Links campground and golf course could be operational by this spring and summer. Customer service manager with Muskoseepi Park Chad Cronk says staff got two bids to take over the facility, and say the best choice is Nitehawk Year-Round Adventure Park.
“Obviously they’ve got a lot of experience in terms of their campground background. They also have a lot of other recreational background with the operation of the “Bike Hawks”, which is kind of a mountain biking club that happens out at the Nitehawk ski hill during the summer.”
The facility at South Bear Creek Park has been closed since 2013 but the city took over management the following year. Cronk says they’ve since been doing upgrades to get it up to code.
“We’re redoing water and power to a lot of the campsites, as well as going to a low-maintenance green. We’ve gone to an artificial grass green and they’re just finishing up the install this spring, so it’ll make it a little bit easier in terms of maintenance and wear and tear.”
The plan is to have the campground back open by May Long Weekend and the golf course open for July 1st. As part of their proposal, Nitehawk wants their property tax payments waived for the first two years in order to offset startup costs.