Any document with your personal information on it shouldn’t be tossed in your garbage, as it can be used for identity fraud.
That’s why the RCMP, Alberta Motor Association and Shed-It have partnered for a free document shredding event in Grande Prairie Saturday.
AMA Crime Prevention Coordinator Wendy Mah says it can be incredibly difficult to get your life on track if your identity is stolen.
“It can be as simple as taking out a credit card or bank account in your name, it can go even further into mortgages or investment accounts, and at some point you could have a complete identity takeover where all your accounts are compromised.
Anything with your name, address, phone number, financial information, SIN, or birth date can be used, like on bank or credit card statements, utility bills, and store receipts.
Mah adds that identity crime is on the rise.
“Everyone knows someone who’s had their credit card compromised or had to go to the bank and had their debit card replaced just because someone has skimmed their account. Those are the very basic types of identity fraud.”
From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow, residents can bring up to six boxes of personal documents to the parking lot at City Hall to be properly shredded.
The service is free as the kickoff to Crime Prevention Week in Grande Prairie, but is not available to businesses.
In exchange, donations are being accepted for the local food bank.