You may soon see people walking around in your neighbourhood in a bright coloured vest with a clipboard.
The Neighbourhood Eye Patrol is set to launch at the end of May. Neighbourhood Associations Coordinator Patricia Millward says they are hoping all the associations can get involved.
“It is about giving a presence in your community. It is about being a good ambassador and getting to know your neighbours and neighbourhood. It is about looking out for things that could be damaged or graffiti. Looking out for suspicious activity could also be part of the job, possibly.”
A training session will be held on May 10th and May 16th from 7 to 9 pm at City on 99th. Community Enhancement Cooridinator Kristi Lea says you will know the group when you see them.
“Every participant will receive a vest. The vest will be bright yellow with the words “neighbourhood eye” on the back. They will have a clipboard with documentation and their own neighbourhood association cards.”
Any neighbourhood association can volunteer to take part. Lea says they are looking for people to come forward in order to get the program started.