Although downtown construction is set to wrap up at the end of October, there is more work planned for the next few years in that area. Project technologist Conor Coney explains that after phase one and two wrap up this fall, there is still phase three and four to tackle.
The details of what will be affected when the plans go ahead and how people get to businesses hasn’t been worked out yet.
“It is anticipated that it will be similar to the possible inconveniences that maybe you experience at the moment with phase one and two of the project,” says Coney. As we progress with the work and progress with design, that work will become evident.”
The work is set for 100th Avenue between 98th and 102nd Street. Phase three will deal with 100th to 102nd Street. The fourth phase will deal with the remainder of the street. Deep water utilities, Urban roadways and streetscape elements are set to be added and worked on.
The price on the project has not been set yet as it has to be established in the next council’s budget. The price for the first two phases was $18.2 million.
Before finishing the construction season at the end of October, Coney says there are plans for a few more disruptions. He says there may be some delays and workers in the area of 101st Avenue west of 101st Street.