Enhanced Photo Radar will be put under the microscope by the city as part of their Strategic Priorities Chart. City Manager Bob Nicolay explains that revenue has always been something that is looked at with the program. Adding it to the list will have the effects of the program looked at as well.
“The question is, does this type of enforcement make for safer streets for cities like Grande Prairie? I think you are going to find the answer is yes. I will leave you to make your own judgement when you see the facts and figures.”
On top of photo radar, the city will be looking at the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Planning. Nicolay says this will be to figure out what the next step is. Their target to complete it is the January 2018 Council Strategic Planning Session.
The city will also be reviewing recreational facilities. Nicolay explains that they will look at the finances and the way they operate.
The 2018 budget will be under review as well. Council will look to make a budget with different tax rate scenarios. Nicolay says an example of this could be a budget that works within a zero per cent increase or three per cent increase.
The city manager says these four additions to the Strategic Priorities Chart aren’t exactly organizational changes, but more about finding what needs some attention.
“It is certainly tied into my developing role as the city manager. I am starting to get some rhythms in the organization and people are talking to me. The information I am hearing is starting to make sense in patterns now.”
Council reviews their strategic plan quarterly.