Last month’s housing starts in Grande Prairie were on par with the year before. According to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, September saw construction begin on 27 new single and multi-family homes in the city, which is the same amount as September 2016.
That brings the year-to-date total to 151 home starts, 15 per cent behind the pace set by the first three quarters of last year. The drop has been driven multi-unit buildings, which are down by two-thirds, which detached homes are up.
The third quarter of the year also saw steady housing starts in the County of Grande Prairie. A total of 58 new single and multi-family homes got underway between July and September, down one from the same time frame in 2016.
So far this year, new home construction in the county is down by 20 per cent from 188 to 150. Like in the city, single family homes are up, while multi-unit buildings are down 85 per cent.