Just as everyone is getting used to the detours through downtown, it’s time to change it up. That’s what Monty Haughian with the City of Grande Prairie says is happening in the coming weeks.
“The work is going to progress into the intersection of 102 Street and 100 Avenue which is basically the intersection right at 214 Place, which is going to have a major impact on traffic.”
Haughian says they are still working on the exact detour strategy and should have that plan in place by the end of this week. He adds he is having some important conversations to strategize with groups that could be impacted.
“I’m in discussions with the funeral homes to make sure that they know what’s happening. Also, we’re going to be setting up a meeting with emergency services to make sure that they are fully aware of how to get around this closure.”
The city is also addressing the issue that new posts, or bollards, are creating downtown. Haughian says the design and even the materials used are strategic.
“The sidewalk in itself has a design in it for vision impaired people; there’s a pebbled surface that you can feel, so it does delineate where the sidewalk starts and ends, and the bollard is to help the pedestrians feel safe on the corners.”
Some cities use the bollards as an extra security measure in high foot traffic areas. Haughian says the city has used them for aesthetic purposes but “in this day and age” security is always considered.
So far, Haughian says they are right on schedule and crews have had only one rain day so far. Everyone is invited to attend the next Coffee and Construction information session that will be held June 18, 2018, at 8 a.m. at Laurel’s Peace Country Preserves.