It’s almost time for ghosts and ghouls to hit the streets for tricks and treats. In the meantime, there are plenty of activities going on in the Grande Prairie area in the next few days to get people in the spooky spirit.
October 25
Starting on the 25th and running until the 30th, Hornbrook Hollow in Grovedale will be running haunted mazes. A child’s maze for younger kids will run from 6 to 7:30 and cost $5 per person. It will also hold a scare maze, not for the faint of heart, from 7:30 to midnight on Friday and Saturday and 7:30 to 9 pm on Monday and Tuesday.
October 26
Spooky Family Skate at the Dave Barr Community Centre from 3 to 5.
Grovedale Hill of Terror Halloween Haunt at Nitehawk Adventure Park. Haunted house is for people 11 and older. There will be a separate area for children 10 and under. House opens at 7 pm.
Ghost walk in Beaverlodge from 6:30 to 10 at the McNaught Homestead. The event is family friendly and includes a haunted yard, crafts and snacks. Admission by donation.
October 27
Safe trick or treating at the Grande Prairie Farmers Market from 10 to 3.
Downtown Association’s annual Halloween walking parade. Open to children ages 12 and under. Costume judging starts at 11:15 at the Montrose Cultural Centre. Parade leaves at 11:30.
Parents can take their children to Safety City for an afternoon of family-friendly activities. Events include safe trick or treating, crafts, a mad science demonstration and a Halloween dance party. The events will run from 12-4 pm and cost $2 a child.
Haunted house and Halloween Spooktacular at the Ernie Radbourne Pavillion in Muskoseepi Park. The event is open to people of all ages but is best for children ages 2-10. There will be treats, prizes and a haunted house. Activities run from 12-4 and cost $5 a person.
October 28
For those into the not so scary parts of Halloween, Centre 2000 will be showing movies on the 28th. The centre will also be open daily from the 28th to the 31st for crafts and games. Then on Halloween, the centre will be giving out candy to trick or treaters.
October 31
Safe trick or treating at the Prairie Mall from 2 to 4:30.
Safe Halloween Fright Night dance 6-11 at the Wembley Arena. This is an all ages event. There will be music and treats. Doors open at 6 pm and admission is a donation to the Wembley Food Bank.