Anyone who received a parking ticket in the last few weeks again has an alternative to the fine. For the third year in a row, Enforcement Services will hold its Toys for Tickets campaign where people can donate a toy instead of paying their fine. Sergeant Ross Gear hopes the program will take the sting out of getting a ticket.
“Even in the holiday season, we have to be out there we have to keep the city moving and make sure they aren’t parking where they shouldn’t be. Nobody likes a ticket and hopefully, this takes a little bit of the sting out of getting a ticket in the holiday season.”
The city started the program back in 2016. People who receive a city parking ticket between November 24th and December 14th have the option to donate a new, unwrapped toy to Enforcement Services of equal or greater value to the ticket. A reciept is also required.
This year, Gear says they are looking for gifts for pre-teens including books, sporting equipment, electronics, headphones and gift cards. He believes this program gives people who may not normally give back, the chance to.
“This is an opportunity for people who might not otherwise be engaged in charities a chance for them to participate… maybe feel a little good about themselves that they’re able to contribute and help their fellow citizens.”
Toys can be dropped off at City on 99 during regular business hours until December 18th. Everything will then be collected and distributed to local charities.