There’s only four more days for the Town of Grande Cache to be known as a town. It is set to become a Hamlet in the MD of Greenview on January 1st.
It was first announced in September that a vote would be held to see how many people wanted to dissolve the town. 1,065 people voted in favour of the move. The provincial government then approved the dissolution on November 27th.
The vote was originally brought on by a viability review after a report showed the town would need $80 million worth of repairs, upgrades, and new construction. Greenview Reeve Dale Gervais said previously he is looking forward to working with town officials.
“I think the Town of Grande Cache has a lot of potential and I really, really hope that the MD can assist or work towards developing that full potential.”
When the town switches over to the MD, an interim council made up of the current Greenview Council and Town representatives Duane Didow and Tyler Olsen will govern it until the next municipal election in 2021.