The extremely cold weather has temporarily suspended snow removal in the County of Grande Prairie. Any non-emergency road work has to stop if temperatures fall below minus 35 degrees Celsius.
“Working in these frigid temperatures is a safety hazard and also increases the risks of damaging road maintenance equipment,” it explains.
Once it warms up, it’s expected hamlet snow clearing crews will continue plowing roads in Clairmont north of 108 Avenue Tuesday. A parking restriction is currently in effect for Clairmont residents, with signs posted 24 hours before work is scheduled for a neighbourhood.
“We depend on residents to move their vehicles off the street so our crews can do their jobs,” says Operations Manager of Public Works Clint Diederich. “Clear roads mean faster and more efficient snow removal.”
Once done in Clairmont, equipment will then head to Whispering Ridge and Westlake Village, as well as Wedgewood, Taylor Estates, and Maple Ridge.