Homeowners in Grande Prairie are being asked to look out for their local mail carriers. Due to the recent snowfall and cold temperatures, Canada Post is reminding people to clear a path to their home. So far this year, Prairie Peace Region Manager Valerie Wright says she’s seen seven incidents of mail carries being injured while working.
“January’s winter conditions have been especially severe in Grande Prairie. We’ve had seven slips, trips and falls incidents with our employees just in Grande Prairie alone this year. Three of those resulted in employees having to go for medical attention.”
Just looking at the month of January, Wright says those numbers are already higher than last year. Across the country in the first two weeks of 2019, 100 employees were injured after falling while delivering. Because of those numbers, she is asking people to help by salting and clearing a path to their mailboxes.
“We are asking Canadians to help keep our people safe this winter by clearing the snow and ice from driveways, walkways, steps, porches; to use ice melter, rock salt, sand and regularly keep it on hand. Not just for our delivery people but for anyone else who might be using walkways and stairs.”
Wright says that if a carrier decides a house isn’t safe they can refuse to deliver there. At that time the homeowner will be notified and delivery will continue when the issues have been fixed.