Secondary suites may soon be allowed in the new section of Wembley. The Town is looking at changing the land use bylaw to allow a separate living area within a single detached home. Chief Administrative Officer Lori Parker says the changes would only apply to certain lots.
“This does not include a duplex or a semi-detached dwelling. We’re changing one of our sections, our residential restricted district to include a secondary suite as a discretionary use for lots 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.”
A secondary suite functions as a self-contained unit complete with a kitchen, bathroom and a bedroom area. As it stands now they are not allowed in the town. Parker says Wembley Developments first submitted the application for the change back on February 13th.
“The developer put in the application for the amendment for the land use bylaw… With the mortgage changes, it allows for affordable homes for residents.”
The topic will be brought up again at a meeting on March 25th. Anyone wishing to speak for or against the changes in writing can submit a letter before March 21st at noon. Anyone wanting to present at council must be in touch with the town development officer by that deadline as well.