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HomeNewsLocal RCMP Corporal awarded Order of Merit of the Police Forces

Local RCMP Corporal awarded Order of Merit of the Police Forces

Grande Prairie RCMP Corporal Michelle Mosher has been honoured for her dedication to the police force. She was named to the Order of Merit of the Police Forces which is given to those who show highest qualities citizenship, service to Canada, to the police community and to humanity. Mosher was a constable when she got the award and says it means a lot to be on the list with higher ranking officers.

“Noticing that I was the only constable amongst all of these high ranking people I guess it kind of gave me a potential future to look forward to if I continue on the route that I’m doing.”

The appointment is given to officers from all different police forces across Canada. Out of the 63 recipients from 2018, Mosher was the only Alberta RCMP officer to get the title.

Mosher has been in the police force for just over 10 years. She currently works at the Caribou Child and Youth Centre and specializes in child sexual and physical abuse investigations as well as conducting child forensic interviews. She says this whole process started back in May when she was nominated by now Assistant Commissioner John Ferguson.

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“He had submitted my name to the Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police and I won an award though them… for outstanding service. From what I understand that kind of continued on to Ottawa for it to be reviewed at that level and I got the appointment from there.”

Mosher says she plans to keep doing with she’s been doing and will continue to be an advocate for children.

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