The owners of Mama and Papa’s Cafe in Clairmont have been overwhelmed by the response to their impending closure. In the days after word got out on social media, hundreds of patrons lined up to take in their food.
“It’s amazing. I’ve burst into tears many times since that post happened; just the things people say and the things people do,” says owner Debbie “Mama” Walker.
Unfortunately for “Mama and Papa”, it is too little too late. The cafe will close its doors for good at the end of March.

Walker says she has been inundated with questions and concerns as to how things got to this point, as the cafe has been in business for seven before its recent financial troubles. She believes, like the province itself, good times come with the bad and their time has simply run out.
“We are right in the heart of the oil and gas sector and when it isn’t doing well, nor are we. Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a drive from Grande Prairie and people come when they can.”
It’s hoped Walker and her husband Jacques will be able to open in another location in the future. In the meantime, Walker says they will continue to serve customers as they always have, as a part of their extended family.
“I think that’s why we have a really good following because they know they’re more than just a dollar; they’re people we generally care about.”
The last day the restaurant will be open is March 29th. Walker says the couple has a couple of irons in the fire when it comes to new locations, but adds nothing is set in stone for a potential new opening.