There has been another hold up for staff and administrators who were hoping to move into their new offices at the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum last month.
Councillor Kevin O’Toole says there was some water damage that needed repair about three weeks ago, but there is another, bigger hiccup.
“When the generator for the facility was ordered, it was definitely in the RFP that we needed to have this kind, and they shipped the wrong one. It comes from out of the States, so it’s like two week to two and a half weeks to get from the States up here.”
The occupancy date for the $30 million building was originally set for the 28th, but O’Toole says now he’s not quite sure how much longer it will take for the builders to sign off on completion.
The sooner the staff can get into the building the better, as there have already been four recent hires, and there are plans to hire about 10 more.
Photo by Laura Beauchamp