Bezanson School officials are hoping a new sensory room will help their students focus better. With the help of a $13,000 grant, one will be set up in time for the 2019/2020 school year.
“They’re often used for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders or Fetal Alcohol Syndrom Disorders. It helps children calm and focus themselves so they can be better prepared for learning and interacting with other people,” says Principal Elizabeth Linfield.
The room will feature items like fibre optic cables, a bubble tube and a projector that will play different scenes like the ocean and rainforest for the students.
Along with the room, the school has also been given a $3,000 grant to build a student-run garden that would teach them how to grow their own food. Linfield hopes that by putting in these two new calming areas, it might keep children in the classroom longer.
“We’re always looking to help students return to the optimal learning zone and with little adult intervention. Our hope is to increase their independence and lessen their time away from learning.”
The Good for the Senses – Sensory Room Program grant was given to the school by the Children’s Accessibility Fund.