Business owners in downtown Grande Prairie will soon be able to apply for some extra cash to make some improvements. Starting on September 30, owners will be able to apply for the Urban Residential Development Grant, the Patio Grant, and the Demolition Grant.
The Urban Residential Development Grant is intended to encourage the construction of residential and mixed-use developments downtown. People are eligible for incentive grants of $10,000 per unit for apartment buildings and $15,000 per unit for mixed-use apartment buildings.
Residential projects may qualify for a three-year tax deferral on the assessed value and a matching grant for half of the cost of upsizing water and wastewater connections to a maximum of $50,000.

The Patio Grant was created to encourage downtown businesses to build an outdoor patio space by providing them with a matching
grant of 50 per cent of the patio’s cost, up to $5,000.
The Demolition Grant offers a 50 per cent matching grant up to a maximum of $50,000 for the removal of a building within the downtown incentives boundary.
People interested in applying are encouraged to meet with the Program Coordinator to review their application prior to submitting. The coordinator can be reached at [email protected] or 780-513-5240.
To date, the Downtown Incentives Program has awarded $2.5 million to 37 businesses.
Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis between September 30th and October 30th. Application forms and guidelines can be found on the city’s website.