A pair of rallies will be held in the city today to protest cuts being proposed to union pensions.
The provincial building and the QE2 Hospital will host the rallies, which will include members of CUPE, the Alberta Union of Provincial Employess, Health Sciences Association of Alberta, and United Nurses of Alberta.
CUPE Alberta President Marle Roberts says they are particularly frustrated that the Redford government does not want to hold meaningful consultations with them regarding the changes.
“And I say meaningful consultation, and then when we do put input in, they go back to the same stand that they had before we even put proposals in to them in regards to the pension plan, and that is: no, it’s not sustainable.”
Caps on pension contributions and cost of living allowance adjustments are some of the areas that concern unions.
Roberts says when you factor in retirees, the changes will impact around 300 thousand union members across Alberta.
There will also be a rally in front of MLA Frank Oberle’s constituency office in Peace River.