Central Peace—Notley MLA Todd Loewen is urging Premier Kenney to re-consider regional reopenings, as he feels the current broad approach may hurt small-town businesses. The UCP MLA says many regions across Alberta have no active cases of COVID-19 but have the same restrictions as a region with hundreds.
He adds the government has an important duty to keep the public safe, but they must also safeguard the rights and opportunities of Albertans.
“It’s pretty hard to watch people suffering because of the COVID-19 restrictions… it’s hard watching businesses go under and people having to lay off employees,” he says.
Under the current provincial plan, restrictions will only loosen up across the province as the rate of hospitalization dips below certain thresholds. Currently, under Step 1 with 600 or fewer hospitalizations, the province would only consider moving to Step 2 if, after a three-week time frame, that number drops to 450 and declines.
“I think when you do an approach when you try and apply restrictions province-wide, we don’t do justice to the areas that need the help, and we do an injustice to areas that don’t need those restrictions,” he adds.
Loewen says the Alberta Government has to consider the opinions of MLAs representing all parts of Alberta, and he believes he represents the wants of those in his riding.
“I’ve always asked for the regional approach… and what’s what my constituents would like to see,” he adds.