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HomeNewsCity of Grande Prairie encourages residents to read up on proposed $3.5...

City of Grande Prairie encourages residents to read up on proposed $3.5 million lending bylaw

The City of Grande Prairie is urging residents to take notice of Lending Bylaw C-1476, a bylaw authorizing city council to lend the Maskwa Medical Centre $3.5 million after passing the first reading earlier in July.

Under the Province of Alberta’s Municipal Government Act, lending bylaws are required to be advertised for a period of two weeks to provide residents with the chance to petition for a vote on the proposed bylaw. If a bylaw has been advertised for two consecutive weeks and a petition has not been received within 15 days of the last advertised date, it will return to council for second and third readings.

The proposed bylaw is also under consideration from the County of Grande Prairie and the MD of Greenview, and funds are to be utilized over a three-year loan to be repaid by the Maskwa Medical Centre.

Anyone who claims to be affected or anyone interested in speaking to Lending Bylaw C-1476 can voice their opinion during the council meeting on August 26th after filling out a delegation request form.

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