Alberta peace officers are worried after issuing more than 3,600 speeding tickets across the province in April. Those numbers included a high amount of drivers going more than 50 kilometres an hour over the speed limit.
Alberta Association of Community Peace Officers information officer William Norton says they find drivers are overconfident when the weather is nice.
“While speeding in school zones, construction zones and past emergencies [sic] vehicles concerns us, we have grave concerns about the number of extreme speeders officers have pulled over.”
Driving more than 50 kilometres an hour over the limit can lead to a fine, the loss of six demerit points and a mandatory court date. The amount of the fine is determined by a judge.
“We know that speed is a factor in most fatal collisions in Alberta,” says Norton. “Putting the lives of fellow Albertans in danger is reckless and inexcusable behaviour.”
Overall, 3,609 speeding tickets were issued across the province last month, with fines ranging from $78 to $2,000.