The Dirham Home’s Community Builder for the month of July is Shannon Dunfield. Shannon was their Volunteer of the Year for 2014 but continues to make a great impact on the community. Most recently, she “headed up a peewee hockey team to play in the Alberta Native Hockey Provincials – the first time a Peace region team has been enrolled, because no one had taken the time to find out if it was possible until Dunfield undertook the task. Shannon Dunfield is heading up a girls’ team for the Alberta Indigenous Games in July. She has a can-do attitude, but Shannon also expressed that one should “never take for granted community support.”
A big thank you to Shannon Dundfield for her time and hard work that’s been put in this last year! Shannon will receive a gift card and certificate, courtesy of Dirham Homes, who every month is recognizing community leaders and those who pay it forward.