A six year old boy and his dog missing from an area north of Valleyview have been found safe and sound.
The boy and his six month old Golden Labrador had wandered off their property in the new Fish Creek area around 10 a.m. Monday, and were reported missing when family and neighbours couldn’t find them.
After searching the surrounding farm lands and forests, the two were found around 9 p.m., 1.5 kilometres south of their home.
Staff Sergeant Bruce Bracken of the Valleyview RCMP detachment says they were working against time, as it was getting colder and darker out, but rescuers were able to work together to find them safely.
Search dogs, helicopters, and volunteers on horseback, in vehicles, and on foot were all involved, along with Search and Rescue, Fish and Wildlife, the local fire department and several RCMP resources.