A Fort McMurray man has been barred from hunting for a year in part for illegally hunting in the Peace River area. He was caught after spilling the beans to his neighbour, who happened to be a fish and wildlife enforcement officer. Photos and texts were also shared with friends and family.
According to an agreed statement of facts, Donny Justin Lloyd killed a white-tailed deer in the Peace River area on November 24, 2015, despite having already killed one that August. He was limited to only one white-tailed deer in the 2015 Alberta hunting season.
Earlier that year, he had brought elk antlers into Alberta from B.C. without a licence or export permit. The next February, Lloyd illegally had elk parts in Fort McMurray, which were seized by fish and wildlife officers in December 2017.
Lloyd pleaded guilty to hunting deer without a licence, unlawful possession of an elk, and unlawful possession of an elk transported in contravention of the federal act in Peace River Provincial Court on November 15, 2018. On top of being prohibited from hunting or holding a recreational licence anywhere in Canada for one year, he was also fined just under $6,500.
All of the antlers other than from the deer killed legally in August 2015 were forfeited to the Crown.