The County of Grande Prairie has approved a request by Pembina Pipeline Corporation to enter environmental reserve to tunnel a new 20-inch pipeline.
The project, which will bore under the Smoky River, will connect existing projects stretching from La Glace, through the river, and into the MD of Greenview.
Reeve Leanne Beaupre says the project will bring more investment and linear taxation into the area, and wasn’t met with any objections from area residents.
“Consultation has been done with residents in that area, and from what I understand from the conversation and listening to the councillor for that area he hasn’t had any concerns from the ratepayers in that area.”
Beaupre adds that normally the council wouldn’t need to get involved in a deal like this, but it was an extraordinary circumstance based on the location of the project.
“Typically oil and gas companies deal with the landowners when they’re crossing properties. Because the County of Grande Prairie is the landowner in this instance, that’s why they were at council getting permission to cross.”
The pipeline will run adjacent to the Rio Bend Estates in Bezanson.