When U-S President Barack Obama announced his veto of the Keystone X-L pipeline bill, elected Alberta senator Doug Black says he wasn’t shocked, but profoundly disappointed.
“We are the U.S.’s greatest friend and ally, whether it’s Ukraine or Israel or Afghanistan or ISIS or Cuba. It doesn’t matter; we are always there to be of support. We don’t ask questions; we help our friend.”
Black made a statement in the senate Wednesday, arguing the decisions shows a lack of respect and regard for Canada’s national interest, as it would have had huge economic impacts on both countries.
He also wants an explanation of why, and what this means for their relationship.
“I’ve suggested that we perhaps should call in the American ambassador, and ask him to address not only Keystone, but why is this relationship one way only?”
Blacks that more oil was moved to the U.S. this year than last, but a lot by rail, which he considers more dangerous.