An individual at Alexander Forbes The Academy has tested positive for COVID-19. An email was sent to parents on October 16th, notifying them that the school is still open for in-person learning.
Grande Prairie Public School Division Deputy Superintendent James Robinson says the school is working closely with Alberta Health Services to make sure necessary measures are in place to protect students and staff. Those include cleaning and disinfecting items touched by the person who tested positive and and removing and storing items that cannot be cleaned and disinfected in a sealed container.
“Our facilities staff will also have disinfected key spaces… We remind parents/guardians of students, as well as any staff/visitors/volunteers to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19.”
School administration has reached out to the families of students who have been identified as close contacts of the individual. AHS will also be in touch.
Public Health notes that the risk of the general population of the school being infected because of this case is low, as a person would need to have had direct contact with droplets from a sick person or surfaces that they have recently touched. People are urged to wash their hands often, avoid touching their face, stay home when sick, practice physical distancing outside of the home and wear a mask in public spaces if that isn’t possible.