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Tag: Grande Prairie Regional Hospital

Grande Prairie welcomes new radiologist practicing out of GPRH

Hot on the heels of the city's progress update regarding its physician Attraction and Retention Strategy, AHS has announced a newly recruited radiologist is now practicing in Grande Prairie. 

AHS welcomes new psychiatrist practicing in Grande Prairie

Grande Prairie has a new psychiatrist in town, who has already begun practicing to improve residents' access to mental health services.

Christmas cheer cleared for landing during annual GPRH “Stuff the Heli” toy drive

A local helicopter service is calling on the Grande Prairie region to help "Stuff the Heli" with toys for children in care at the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital. 

AHS’ annual “Toys for Tickets” campaign returns to Grande Prairie

If you've been avoiding your AHS parking ticket fines, now is the time to pay them as AHS' annual Toys for Tickets campaign is underway in Grande Prairie.

Residents encouraged to purchase their tickets as Split the Pot Lottery jackpot reaches more than $500K

Albertans only have two more days to purchase their tickets for the Split the Pot Lottery, supporting dozens of hospital and healthcare foundations around the province, including some in the Peace Country.

Good Earth Coffeehouse selected as GP Regional Hospital’s newest dining option

The Grande Prairie Regional Hospital will have a new on-site restaurant in 2025 to serve staff and visitors. 

County council receives several project progress updates during committee meetings

The County of Grande Prairie Council Committee of the Whole received several updates regarding ongoing projects throughout the county during their most recent meeting.

County helping fund new hospital bedside engagement

The new patient bedside engagement system for the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital is almost fully funded. The County of...

2day FM Radiothon funds infant cardiac monitor

The QEII Hospital will soon have a second portable infant cardiac monitor on its hands. More than $12,000 for...

2day FM radiothon sets sights on portable infant cardiac monitor

2day FM will once again be raising money for the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation by broadcasting live from...

Partnership to bring Stollery care to Grande Prairie Regional Hospital

The Stollery Children's Hospital will be bringing its level of care to Grande Prairie. Its hospital foundation has teamed...

Clark Builders “up for the challenge” of new GP hospital

Clark Builders wants to get the job done. It was confirmed Friday that the company is the new construction...

Maskwôtêh Bridge project may move ahead as planned

A pedestrian bridge expected to link Maskwôtêh Park to the grounds of the new hospital may move ahead as...

New Grande Prairie Regional Hospital contractor picked

Construction on the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital could be starting up again soon. An Alberta Infrastructure spokesperson has confirmed...

Alberta Party blames NDP for new hospital issues

The Alberta Party is taking sides in the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital dispute. In a letter, leader Stephen Mandel...

Hospital construction affecting vacancy rate, home sales

The suspension of construction on the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital means there are more rental properties available in the...
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Funding for St. Thomas More replacement school in Fairview included in provincial budget

Alberta's Budget 2025 includes funding for several new school projects for communities outside of Calgary and Edmonton, including two in the Grande Prairie region. 

35 nominees, five winners: City of Grande Prairie celebrates 2025 Women of Influence Awards

The City of Grande Prairie has announced the winners of the long-awaited 2025 Women of Influence Awards. 

Daylight saving time “the perfect time” to swap smoke alarm batteries: County of GP

Daylight saving time begins on March 9th, and aside from losing an hour of sleep, the County of Grande Prairie is reminding residents to change out the batteries in their smoke detectors. 

CN crews to repair 116th Street crossing after recent traffic collisions

CN crews will be repairing and replacing the rail signals at the 116th Street Crossing between 89th and 95th Avenues after recent vehicle collisions damaged the crossing gates. 

Grande Prairie Storm rookie defenceman named Defensive Player of the Week

One of the AJHL's most dominant defensive cores got another shoutout, with Storm defenceman Cade Kozak being awarded the AJHL Defensive Player of the Week. 
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